Author: Henny Staas

  • Install 7-zip

    Views: 5Before we get to the part where we download and install 7-zip, I suggest we take a look at what 7-zip is and what it is used for. I try to keep it simple, so I hope everyone is able to understand it. That means that I will explain any technical terms we run…

  • Protect your data from Microsoft

    Views: 8To protect your privacy and data from Microsoft while using its products and services, consider the following measures: Review privacy settings: regularly review and adjust your privacy settings in Microsoft accounts, devices, and applications. Customize settings to limit data collection and sharing.Use strong passwords: use unique, strong passwords for your Microsoft accounts and enable…

  • Microsoft and data

    Views: 12In my previous post, which you can find here, I explained what data Microsoft collects. In this post we take a look at what data Microsoft does not collect. After that we take a look at what Microsoft uses all that data they collect for. Data collection, is it all that bad? No, but…

  • Data Microsoft collects

    Views: 15Data has become a valuable commodity, and technology giants like Microsoft collect and utilize this data to enhance their services. They gather a wide range of user data through their products and services, like Windows, Office 365, Bing, and LinkedIn. The data they collect ranges from search history and email content to location information…

  • Using File history

    Views: 15In my previous post I explained how to activate file history. You can find this post here. Now that we have File history activated, what can we do with it? Well, we can, for instance, see what an older version of our document looked like. But, before we do that, let us first take…

  • Activate File history

    Views: 12In my previous post I explained file history. You can find this post here. I explained what I like about it, and what I do not like about it.In this post I will show you how to activate File history. You have to connect an external hard drive to your computer. So, attach your…

  • File history

    Views: 11What is File history? It is actually exact what you would expect from the name. It is a history of a part of the files on your computer. The files in specific folders are copied to another hard drive. This can be a second hard drive in your desktop or an external drive. Most…

  • Unresponsive apps

    Views: 9We’ve all been there – you are working on your computer, and suddenly, an application freezes. Not only is it frustrating, you can also end up being unsure of what to do next. Dealing with unresponsive apps on Windows can be a common yet annoying experience. However, there are several methods to resolve this…

  • Stop Google collecting data

    Views: 14As we have seen in my previous posts, Google collects a lot of data. The big question is, is that good or bad?A good thing is that Google does not sell your data. The only reason they collect your data is to present personalized ads to you.What is bad, Google stores all your data…

  • What Google stores

    Views: 15So, how do you see what Google stores about you? It is not difficult to see. There are just some simple steps, but you have to know how, and where, of course. In this post I guide you through the steps to see what Google stores about you. During these steps we can only…