About me

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I have an extensive background working with various investment banks and software companies. My career began in data entry and culminated in a role as a product specialist at an investment bank. I particularly enjoyed my years at a software company that developed Portfolio Management Software for investment firms, including banks, pension funds, and asset managers. This position was quite complex, as it required me to handle software and databases while collaborating closely with programmers and customers. From the first day to the last, it was an incredible learning experience that provided a solid foundation for the rest of my career.

In my last role, I worked in the IT department of an investment bank. I held a multifaceted position, dividing my time between help desk support, SQL database administration, and serving as a software consultant for our external banking application.

The consulting aspect was the most challenging and rewarding. I acted as the liaison between the investment administration, the IT department, and the software company. This involved understanding the bank’s exact needs and translating them into requests for the software company.

Upon receiving software updates, I was responsible for testing their functionality. I also ensured the entire software system passed acceptance tests before being deployed to production.

A crucial part of my role was monitoring the integrity and continuity of the production SQL database, especially when integrating new software. When necessary, I made adjustments to the database to maintain its integrity.

Documentation was of utmost importance. We could not deploy new software without comprehensive documentation. We had to ensure that both internal and external auditors were convinced that all testing phases had been thoroughly completed. Consequently, our test documentation had to be meticulous and complete.