Why this blog?

Why did I create this blog?

From my previous job, I know that many people lack confidence when using their computers. They fear damaging something, get anxious when things work differently, or panic when unexpected messages pop up. While I can’t cover every change and message, I can discuss some Windows 11 features and programs that will make using your computer easier. By discovering what is possible and how things work, you’ll gradually feel more secure and confident.

Additionally, I will discuss computer-related issues, particularly around data privacy. It is crucial to understand what data companies collect while you use your computer. How many people know what data is collected? Have you read Google’s privacy policy? Probably not. The same goes for storing data in the cloud—do you have any rights besides paying a monthly fee? Do you know where to find the privacy policy, or have you tried looking for it at all?

This blog has two main goals: First, to encourage you to think critically when using your computer, and second, to explain how certain things work.

I aim to go slow and explain things step-by-step, but I might move too quickly sometimes. If you have any questions or remarks, please drop me a message at info@safecomputer.org.