Category: google

  • Stop Google collecting data

    Views: 14As we have seen in my previous posts, Google collects a lot of data. The big question is, is that good or bad?A good thing is that Google does not sell your data. The only reason they collect your data is to present personalized ads to you.What is bad, Google stores all your data…

  • What Google stores

    Views: 15So, how do you see what Google stores about you? It is not difficult to see. There are just some simple steps, but you have to know how, and where, of course. In this post I guide you through the steps to see what Google stores about you. During these steps we can only…

  • The Google data vault

    Views: 31This is the second part on the collection of data by Google, the Google data vault. We continue where we stopped in the previous post, which you can find here. First we discuss some more apps and what data they store. After that we take a look at the consequences of this, is it…

  • Google collects data

    Views: 15Google collects data, let us find out what data Google collects in this blog post. In my previous post, which you can find here, I already discussed Google Chrome in relation to stored passwords. In this post we dive a little more into what data Google collects when you use their products. Google I…

  • Browsers and passwords

    Views: 34In my previous posts on passwords and longer passwords, I talked about the importance of long and strong passwords. I also talked about password managers. In this post, browsers and passwords, I will discuss how browsers can create and store these passwords for you. Many modern web browsers offer the functionality to generate, and…