Why I left the bank


Before you expect any scandalous details, let me assure you that this isn’t about that. However, there are important reasons why I decided to leave my previous company. In many situations, it is quite straightforward to retain employees like me, but certain persistent issues can drive us away. Let’s explore some of the key factors that contributed to my decision.


Over the years, I accumulated extensive knowledge. Some of it is specific to the country, such as tax regulations; some is relevant to the region, like banking regulations; and other knowledge, like investment types, is applicable worldwide. Dealing with all this information was part of my daily routine, and I consistently stayed updated with frequently changing regulations.

Sharing this information was never an issue for me—it is freely available, after all. However, I believe in using my expertise to benefit the company as a whole, rather than for individual gains. When I work for a company, my goal is to contribute to its overall improvement and to help newly hired employees enhance their knowledge. I value managers who actively manage their teams and support our collective growth.

Courses and exams

I was surprised when I was informed that I had to pass an IT exam every year. Given my extensive experience and the numerous exams I had already passed, this was not an issue—it was a relatively simple task. However, this requirement was meant to assure the board of directors and accountants that we were staying up to date, not for the benefit of my colleagues or me.

The requirement lacked a clear plan. When I asked which course to take, the answer was, “Whatever you want, just pass one exam a year.”

In my line of work, there are no specific courses available since it involves a mix of several disciplines. Additionally, I already had plenty of material to stay updated on. Without a concrete plan, this requirement felt like a waste of time.

Not listening to advice

Our Portfolio Management System was unavailable twice a day due to maintenance. I proposed two solutions to address this problem. One involved moving the maintenance to another database, providing a permanent fix. The other involved deleting a significant amount of unnecessary data from our production system. With my experience in banking, I understood the importance of keeping data available and had a solution for that too. Implementing both solutions would have significantly sped up daily operations. Not only would the maintenance interruptions have been eliminated, but the remaining database would also have been smaller and more responsive.
Despite my advice, the daily maintenance time has only increased over the years, and nothing has been done to address it.

No backup for the Portfolio Management System

The bank’s software was developed by a small team of programmers. While there is nothing inherently wrong with a small team, it poses a significant risk. The question is, how long can you continue operations if that company shuts down? If you are lucky, maybe two or three years. During this time, there would be no maintenance, updates, or new developments. The system would remain static.

Some people suggested that having the source code would allow us to handle the programming ourselves. However, this is a naive and unrealistic solution. Successfully maintaining and developing complex software requires deep, specific knowledge and expertise.

A more practical approach is to be proactive and prepared. Explore available alternative solutions. It is unlikely you will find an exact replacement for your current system, so you may need to adapt your processes or customize new software. Conduct thorough research and planning.

Unfortunately, the company I worked for had no backup plan whatsoever. They had no contingency strategy and no idea what to do if the worst happened. This kind of situation means that one minor disruption could potentially bring down the entire bank.