Private banking

This refers to my previous job as a product specialist for software used in the private banking and investment industry, commonly known as Portfolio Management Software. Having worked with these products for over 30 years, I have accumulated a wealth of experience, from being an end user to a consultant and product specialist.

What is remarkable is that this type of software has barely changed over the years. While programming languages, databases, and computer systems have evolved, the fundamental aspects of the software remain the same.

The major changes are driven by government requirements, as they increasingly demand more information about individuals. Central banks, tax authorities, and other government departments collect specific data, creating significant challenges for banks. The core business of banks has shifted from primarily serving their clients to supporting government mandates. This shift has eroded public trust in banks, which I believe is a concerning development.

In this part of my blog, I will share my thoughts on Portfolio Management Software, the people who make it possible, and the impact of government regulations.