Tag: passwords

  • Browsers and passwords

    Views: 34In my previous posts on passwords and longer passwords, I talked about the importance of long and strong passwords. I also talked about password managers. In this post, browsers and passwords, I will discuss how browsers can create and store these passwords for you. Many modern web browsers offer the functionality to generate, and…

  • Longer passwords

    Views: 15The benefits of longer passwords We already know from my previous post that longer passwords are better. The primary advantage of longer passwords lies in the simple concept of time. As the length of your password increases, so does the amount of time it would take to crack it. The challenge of the cracker…

  • Passwords

    Views: 26Passwords are widely used as a security measure to protect sensitive information and for secure access to various accounts and systems. They serve as a means of authentication, allowing you to prove your identity and gain authorized access to your personal data, online services, and devices. The storage and hashing of passwords Before storage,…